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2015년 제46회 미국미술치료학회 컨퍼런스(7월8일~7월12일)

We invite you to attend The American Art Therapy Association’s 46th Annual Conference in Minneapolis, July 8-12, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency on Nicollet Mall.


Register before February 2, 2015 for the early bird rates!



The theme of the 46th Annual Conference, Bridging Cultural Terrains: Expanding the Lens of Art Therapy, will focus on the wide variety of settings in which art therapy promotes healing, health and wellness. Presentations will explore theories, research, and innovative approaches that utilize art therapy in an ever increasing complex world.


We are pleased to present our plenary session presenters, including our featured opening keynote speaker, Dr. Temple Grandin, a best-selling author, prominent advocate for the autistic community, and an internationally gifted presenter. Dr. Grandin will speak on “The Autistic Brain” and her thoughts on the facilitation of art-making for people with autism. Based on her book, “Thinking in Pictures,” she will speak about neurobiological functions and how they relate to image and information processing. The Friday keynote, presented by Susan Ainlay Anand and Lani Gerity will provide an in-depth review of the life and work of Edith Kramer, a prolific pioneer of art therapy. The closing plenary on Saturday will feature Savneet Talwar, Janis Timm-Bottos, Cathy Moon, and Lynn Kapitan who will offer a social justice lens in relation to art therapy. Further, they will examine the social, historical, and ethical contexts in which we live and work.


Our conference is the premier art therapy event. You’ll be able to network and learn from leading professionals in the field about the latest art therapy clinical approaches and innovations. Through the more than 170 educational sessions and keynotes, you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and acquire continuing education.


Who Should Attend? Art Therapists ▪ Artists ▪ Healthcare Professionals ▪ Veteran’s Groups ▪ Educators ▪ Mental Health Professionals ▪ Therapists ▪ Counselors ▪ Researchers ▪ Graduate and Undergraduate Students ▪ Those interested in learning more about art therapy!